Schema of the participation webhook 2.3.0
No Additional Properties{
"id": "4B1E9345-1C0C-463F-82A0-E6857DBDFE80",
"ip": "A66A8BED9948CBDD",
"url": "",
"startedAt": "2020-10-30T14:05:00.000Z",
"completedAt": "2020-10-30T14:55:00.000Z",
"state": "COMPLETED",
"browser": {
"device": "desktop",
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Safari/537.36"
"campaign": {
"id": 123456,
"name": "Campaign title",
"themes": [
"code": "MY_THEME",
"description": "My theme description"
"type": "QUIZZ",
"channel": {
"uuid": "5E5D16EB-EF1C-4B35-B1BA-5EC016F8D3D7",
"publishType": "widget",
"dateStart": "2020-11-25T00:00:00.000Z",
"dateEnd": "2020-12-09T23:59:00.000Z",
"website": {
"id": 1234,
"name": "Developer Qualifio",
"domain": "",
"country": "BE"
"form": [
"id": 12345,
"label": "Last name",
"type": "LASTNAME",
"variable": "lastname",
"responses": [
"value": "Qualifio"
"id": 12345,
"label": "Gender",
"type": "GENDER",
"variable": "gender",
"responses": [
"label": "Male",
"value": "M"
"id": 54321,
"label": "File upload",
"type": "FILE UPLOAD",
"variable": "upload",
"responses": [
"file": {
"path": "",
"name": "upload-1534753-033ee001-e069-431b-b9e8-22612832df5c.png",
"type": "image/png"
"optins": [
"id": 12345,
"label": "Subscribe to my newsletter",
"description": "By checking this optin you agree to receive a monthly newsletter sended by Qualifio.",
"response": "1",
"variable": "my_newsletter",
"categories": [
"id": 118,
"label": "Newsletter & marketing",
"technicalName": "newsletter_marketing",
"parent": {
"id": 218,
"label": "Newsletter & marketing",
"technicalName": "newsletter_marketing"
"questionnaire": [
"id": 12345,
"label": "Who's the best developer at Qualifio ?",
"type": "ALPHA NUMERIC",
"score": 50,
"maxScore": 100,
"variable": "bestDeveloperVar",
"responses": [
"value": "Olivier De Lamotte",
"score": 50,
"isCorrect": true
"id": 123987,
"label": "A super matrix question :",
"type": "MATRIX",
"variable": "matrix",
"responses": [
"order": 1,
"label": "How much do you love my matrix ?",
"value": "♡♡♡"
"order": 2,
"label": "How much do you love Qualifio ?",
"value": "♡♡♡♡♡"
"order": 3,
"label": "How much do you love our Webhook ?",
"value": "♡♡♡♡♡"
"qualification": [],
"exitScreen": {
"timeElapsed": 0,
"score": 0,
"gift": {
"won": true,
"wonAt": "2020-11-25T00:00:00.000Z",
"giftData": {
"id": 432,
"codesListId": 5431,
"plannedAt": "2020-11-24T22:00:00.000Z",
"label": "My super gift",
"description": "This gift allow you to get a 50% reduction for a new PS5.",
"picture": "$2400px--t$",
"url": ""
"personalityTest": [
"order": 1,
"occurrence": 1,
"percentage": 85,
"group": "A",
"groupName": "Profile A title",
"value": "profileA",
"variable": "personalityTest"
"order": 2,
"occurrence": 1,
"percentage": 15,
"group": "C",
"groupName": "Profile C title",
"value": "profileC",
"variable": "personalityTest"
"burnedCodes": [
"variable": "BURN:1234",
"code": "GZ12MS"
"variables": {
"lastname": "Qualifio",
"gender": "M",
"bestDeveloperVar": "Olivier De Lamotte",
"my_newsletter": "1",
"upload": "",
"matrix": {
"How much do you love my matrix ?": "♡♡♡",
"How much do you love Qualifio ?": "♡♡♡♡♡",
"How much do you love our Webhook ?": "♡♡♡♡♡"
"personalityTest": {
"profileA": 85,
"profileC": 15
"globalVariables": {
"myGlobalVar": "theGlobalVarValue",
"pushWebhookParticipationV2.aGlobalVariableLinkedToTheWebhook": "it's value"
"externalIds": {
"gigyaId": "e1a7fbf0-0e69-4f57-8194-e10eebeff66c"
"metadata": {
"uniqueCode": "XAG4M3",
"sso": {
"sub": "5dde1209-d5c7-49b0-8ce5-9c08ad109297",
"isMember": true
"secureToken": {
"sub": "5dde1209-d5c7-49b0-8ce5-9c08ad109297",
"exp": 112421541,
"iat": 12214214,
"iss": "Qualifio",
"campaignId": 123456,
"limit": {
"nb": 1,
"canPlay": false
"gift": {
"id": 123,
"name": "2000",
"strategy": "PLANNING"
"doubleOptin": {
"status": "APPROVED",
"date": "2020-10-30T14:55:00.000Z"
The participation ID (unique id for this participation within Qualifio)
The IP address of the end user (hashed for GDPR reasons)
The timestamp when the user started to play (Datetime - ISO8601 standard)
The timestamp when the user has completed his participation, only available for participations that have reach the end of the campaign (Datetime - ISO8601 standard)
The timestamp of a participation when the participant left before the end of the campaign (Datetime - ISO8601 standard)
The state of this participation, this field indicate if the participation is complete or not
The url where the end user has played the campaign
Empty string - usually in mobile apps the url is not available
Must match regular expression:^$
The query parameters present in the url when the user started to play
"utm_source": "demo",
"utm_campaign": "NEWSLETTER_001",
"utm_medium": "email"
Each additional property must conform to the following schema
Type: stringThe query parameter key and the value as a string
The information about the browser of the end user
No Additional PropertiesThe type of device of the end user
The user agent of the browser of the end user
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Safari/537.36"
Structure containing all the metadata about the campaign, the channel and its website
No Additional PropertiesThe ID of the campaign
The name of the campaign
"Campaign name"
The type of the campaign as a constant
The language of the campaign (language code ISO 639-1)
The themes associated with the campaign, containing the code and the description of each theme
No Additional Items{
"code": "MY_THEME",
"description": "My theme description"
The code configured in the manager for this theme
The description configured in the manager for this theme
The information about the channel of this participation
No Additional PropertiesThe unique ID linked to this channel
The type of channel
The start date and time of the channel (Datetime - ISO8601 standard)
The end date and time of the channel (Datetime - ISO8601 standard)
The information about the website of this participation
No Additional PropertiesThe id of the website
The name of the website
"Website name"
The domain of the website
The country of the website (language code ISO 639-1)
Array of categories
No Additional ItemsThe information about the category
The id of the category
The label of the category
"Newsletter & marketing"
The technical name of the category
Array containing all the answers to the form's fields
No Additional ItemsA field from the form
No Additional PropertiesThe Qualifio internal id of the field
The label of the field
"Last name"
The field type name (more types to comes in a near future)
The response to a field
No Additional Properties{
"value": "Qualifio"
The label of the chosen response. Only for a closed field
The response entered in the field. Either the response for open questions, or the value linked to the chosen closed answer (if any)
True if this response has been checked, false otherwise. Only available for unique checkbox, multi-checkbox and radio buttons
Structure containing data specific to an upload file (either in the form or in the questionnaire)
No Additional Properties{
"file": {
"path": "",
"name": "upload-1534753-033ee001-e069-431b-b9e8-22612832df5c.png",
"type": "image/png"
Structure containing all information about an uploaded file
No Additional PropertiesThe full url to access the uploaded file
The name of the uploaded file
The file type of the uploaded file (based on MIME type)
The key of the variable associated to this field
Array containing all the interactions with user
No Additional ItemsAn interaction with the user
No Additional PropertiesThe type of interaction
Interaction metadata
Array of competitors
No Additional ItemsCompetitor's name
"Bayern Munich"
"Manchester City"
"Real Madrid"
User interaction responses
No Additional ItemsUser interaction response
"competitors": [
"Real Madrid",
"Bayern Munich"
"round": "ROUND_OF_4",
"prediction": {
"winner": "Real Madrid"
Round name
Winner name
Array containing all the optins available in the form that are from the optin manager
No Additional ItemsAn opt-in from the optin manager
No Additional PropertiesThe Qualifio internal id of this optin
The label of the optin in the optin manager
"Subscribe to my newsletter"
The description of the optin in the optin manager
"By checking this optin you agree to receive a monthly newsletter sended by Qualifio."
The response entered in the optin where "1" means that the optin was checked, "" means that the user ignored the optin and "0" means that the user explicitly refused the optin
The key of the variable associated to this optin
Array containing all the answers to the questionnaire's questions
No Additional ItemsA question from the questionaire
No Additional PropertiesThe Qualifio internal id of the question
The label of the question
"Who's the best developer at Qualifio ?"
The question type name (more types to comes in a near future)
The total score obtained for this question (sum of the responses' score)
The maximum score that a participant can obtained for this question
The response to a question
No Additional Properties{
"value": "Qualifio"
Order of this response. Especially useful for ranking, linked list and swiper
The label of the chosen response. Only for a closed question
The response entered in the question. Only for an open question
True if this response has been checked, false otherwise. Only available for unique checkbox, multi-checkbox and radio buttons
The score obtained for this response
A flag to know if the participant's response is the correct one or not
Structure containing data specific to an upload file (either in the form or in the questionnaire)
Same definition as form_items_responses_items_anyOf_i1The key of the variable
Array containing all the answers to the qualification's questions
No Additional ItemsStructure containing data specific to the exit screen
No Additional PropertiesThe participant's score obtained at the end of the game
Time taken to finish the game in seconds
An array containing all personalities given to the end user during a personality test
No Additional ItemsA personality matching the end user answers during a personality test
No Additional PropertiesOrder of this participant's personnality based on the percentage
Total number of the participant's answers matching with this personnality
The percentage the participant matches with this personnality
The personnality group in which the participant is
The personnality group name in which the participant is
"Profile A title"
The value configured for this personality group
The variable associated with the personality test
This field is available only in games with prizes
No Additional PropertiesTrue if the user has won a gift
The datetime of the moment the user won the gift
The gift won by the end user, if any
No Additional PropertiesThe ID of the gift
The ID of the list of codes for this gift
The datetime of the planned moment for the gift
The label of the gift
"My super gift"
The description of the gift
"This gift allow you to get a 50% reduction for a new PS5."
The url of gift's picture
The url of the gift, if any
An array containing all codes burned in the exit screen or in the email (if any)
No Additional ItemsObject containing the details about a particular code that was burned by the participant
No Additional PropertiesThe variable used in the exit screen / email (this allows to find the list where this code comes from)
The code that was burn and given in the exit sreen or in the email to the participant
List all the variables and their associated values that are configured in the form, the questionnaire and the optin manager
"lastname": "Qualifio",
"gender": "M",
"bestDeveloperVar": "Olivier De Lamotte",
"my_newsletter": "1",
"upload": "",
"matrix": {
"How much do you love my matrix ?": "♡♡♡",
"How much do you love Qualifio ?": "♡♡♡♡♡",
"How much do you love our Webhook ?": "♡♡♡♡♡"
Each additional property must conform to the following schema
The name of the variable and the value as a string for common responses and as an object for multi checkboxes, matrix and swiper questions
The value is a string for open and/or simple questions
The value is an object for more complex questions such as multi checkboxes, matrix and swiper questions. It can also contain the personality test results.
Each additional property must conform to the following schema
Type: stringThe label of the answer or an incremented number for the key and the answer value as a string. For the personality test results, 'value' field is used as key and 'percentage' as the value in this object.
List all the global variable that were available during this participation and not secret
"myGlobalVar": "theGlobalVarValue"
Each additional property must conform to the following schema
Type: stringThe name of the variable and the value as a string
List the potential external ids this user has (Gigya, Facebook, Krux, or SSO id...)
"gigyaId": "e1a7fbf0-0e69-4f57-8194-e10eebeff66c"
Each additional property must conform to the following schema
Type: stringThe name of the external ID and the ID value as a string
Additional external data provided
No Additional PropertiesUnique code provided per participant to unlock the campaign at the welcome screen step (if configured).
Please note that "Access code" (one generic code set up for all participants to access the campaign) is out of scope, as by design, there is no participation if the code used isn't right.
Metadata provided by the SSO (if any)
"sub": "5dde1209-d5c7-49b0-8ce5-9c08ad109297",
"isMember": true
Additional Properties of any type are allowed.
Type: objectThe content of the secure token (JWT, if any)
"sub": "5dde1209-d5c7-49b0-8ce5-9c08ad109297",
"exp": 112421541,
"iat": 12214214,
"iss": "Qualifio",
"campaignId": 123456,
"limit": {
"nb": 1,
"canPlay": false
"gift": {
"id": 123,
"name": "2000",
"strategy": "PLANNING"
Additional Properties of any type are allowed.
Type: objectInformations linked to the double opt-in validation (if any)
"status": "APPROVED",
"date": "2020-10-30T14:55:00.000Z"
The status of the double opt-in validation for this participation.
The date when the double opt-in was approved by the participant or when it was considered as expired. (Datetime - ISO8601 standard)
Additional Properties of any type are allowed.
Type: object